iPad Church Software Released for IconCMO!

Icon Systems is pleased to announce the full IconCMO web application for the iPad. A full version of the IconCMO church software can be used on the iPad and the staff aren’t tied to a desktop or laptop computer. The users can take the iPad into meetings and answer those tough financial questions on the spot. The small group leaders for Religious Education, Sunday or VBS, and other ministries can take attendance before class starts and all the data is in real time for the staff to create reports on the spot. Allow the church leaders to know who is absent before the class is over. Adding in households and members when they visit the visitor center immediately and remove the need for visitor cards. Send an email to the new visitor as soon as they are added into the system.

These are just some of the advantages to using the iPad within the church. Having all this data available at your fingertips where ever you are gives IconCMO the edge over any other package that is available. Below are just some ways the church can use the new iPad interface to accomplish their everyday task more easily.

Church Membership Made Easy (on iPad)!

Adding in household/members is simple with an iPad interface.

Church membership on the iPad

Adding in a Household and its Members

Email history for the household.

Church membership follow up

Review the history of the email communication to a household

Set a reminder to follow up with a new visitor.

Set a quick reminder to follow up with new visitors

Visitation Reminder

Church Attendance taken on the go.

Church software for taking attendance

Take church attendance easily with the iPad

Church Accounting Made Easy (on iPad)!

Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet):

Church Accounting Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

Change in Net Assets:

Church accounting net asset report

Net Asset Report

Statement of Activities (P/L Report):

Porfit and Loss report for church software

P/L Report

Reclassify an expense account when needed by the church council.

Reclassify expense accounts

Reclassification of expense accounts


The Development Team!

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